Real World Data Visualization With Python and matplotlib Part 1

Andrew Simms
|March 7, 2019
|Python, matplotlib, Data Visualization
Temperature data rendered by matplotlib

This the first part in a multipart series on real world data visualization with python and matplotlib. I will add links to other posts as they become available.

Python and matplotlib are powerful tools for parsing and visualizing data. Python is an easy to use scripting language with awesome tools for working with data. Matplotlib is the most comprehensive and easiest to use data visualization tool in Python. Together they can help extract meaning from data.

Finding Data

Petabytes of data exist in the world today, so finding some data is not a problem. But finding the right data for you is the challenge.

When you are looking for data to visualize the data set you choose needs:

  1. Data you are familiar with and understand

    • This helps immensely when sanitizing the data. If you don't know what a bogus value looks like your plot can convey the wrong information.
  2. A parseable data format like json or csv

    • Anything in html, xml, or other formats needs processing, which can be difficult and time consuming (for python xml parsing look into beautiful soup)
  3. Customizable data intervals

    • This allows you to iterate on a small data set before working with a larger data set, which can be slow.

Given these suggestions we are going to start with a data set that I am familiar with, weather data from the National Renewable Energy Lab National Wind Technology Center in Boulder Colorado.

Downloading NWTC Weather Data

From the NWTC website we are going to download temperature data (Temperature (2m)) from January 2019.

Downloading Temp Data 1

Select the Selected 1-Min Data (ZIP Compressed) option and hit submit. Unzip the downloaded file, move it to the desired directory and rename it to 2019-01-nwtc-temp-2m.csv.

Selecting zip option

For convenience you can download this data here.


Lets go ahead and see what this data looks like. We can use the head command to see the first part of the file:

$ head 2019-01-nwtc-temp-2m.csv
DATE (MM/DD/YYYY),MST,Temperature @ 2m [deg C]

From this we can see the shape of the data which has 3 rows, the date, the time in MST and the temperature is Celsius degrees.

We can count the number of rows with the wc (word count) utility, passing the -l argument to get the number of lines:

$ wc -l 2019-01-nwtc-temp-2m.csv
44641 2019-01-nwtc-temp-2m.csv

Lets verify this number. Given the first couple of rows it seems like they record the temperature every minute. Lets add it up, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours a day, and 31 days in January works out to (60 * 24 * 31) 44640 minutes. Add in an extra row for the titles and 44641 proves that they recorded the temperature every minute.

Parsing Data

To get a feel for parsing lets find the min and max temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit.

First lets read the csv rows into an array using the built-in python csv package

import csv

data = []
with open("2019-01-nwtc-temp-2m.csv") as datafile:
    reader = csv.reader(datafile)
    for row in reader:


That prints:

['1/1/2019', '00:00', '-16.59']

Notice that the type for the temperature is a string.

<class 'str'>

Lets convert it to a float so we can do some math...

for row in data:
    row[2] = float(row[2])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 12, in <module>
    row[2] = float(row[2])
ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'Temperature @ 2m [deg C]'

Oops, we need to remove the labels in the first row.

data = data[1:-1]

for row in data:
    row[2] = float(row[2])

<class 'float'>

Now that we have some numbers lets convert the temperature to Fahrenheit:

def convert_celsius_to_farenheit(celsius_deg):
    return (celsius_deg * 9.0 / 5.0) + 32.0

temperature_data = []
for row in data:


Now lets find the min and max temperatures:

min_temp = temperature_data[0]
max_temp = min_temp
for temp in temperature_data:
    if temp < min_temp:
        min_temp = temp

    if temp > max_temp:
        max_temp = temp

print("In January 2019 the temperature ranged from {} to {}".format(min_temp, max_temp))
In January 2019 the temperature ranged from -0.5799999999999983 to 61.232

It works! But lets fix the temperature format:

def format_temp(input):
    return "{:.0f}°F".format(input)

    "In January 2019 the temperature ranged from {} to {}".format(
        format_temp(min_temp), format_temp(max_temp)
In January 2019 the temperature ranged from -1°F to 61°F

Now lets plot the data...

First steps with matplotlib

Go ahead and install matplotlib and numpy.

$ pip install matplotlib
$ pip install numpy

And test your install. Your install should look something like the output below.

$ python3
Python 3.7.2 (default, Feb 12 2019, 08:15:36)
[Clang 10.0.0 (clang-1000.11.45.5)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import matplotlib
>>> import numpy
>>> matplotlib.__version__
>>> numpy.__version__

If you see any errors fix them before proceeding.

Not lets plot some dummy data:

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4])


And run it with:

$ python3

And you should have your first plot.

First matplotlib plot

Plotting temperature data

From here we need to plug our temperature data array into matplotlib.


Which yields: January-2019-NWTC-Temp-2m-Plot

Whoa, the x axis looks all wrong. Thats because we haven't added our dates to the graph. Lets do that next.

Parsing Dates

To add the correct data to the x axis we need to create a new array with the dates parsed into datetime objects. To do this we use the datetime package and datetime.strptime to parse the date from a string, and plug this data into matplotlib as the x axis. Matplotlib understands datetime objects and renders them accordingly:

from datetime import datetime

dates = []
for row in data:
    date = datetime.strptime("{} {}".format(row[0], row[1]), "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")

plt.plot(dates, temperature_data)


Which yields:

Plot with dates

Next lets make it pretty.

Adding Labels

Here we are using matplotlib's built in methods to add labels to the data and make the x axis readable. We are also changing the font to Roboto.

plt.plot(dates, temperature_data)

plt.rcParams[""] = "Roboto"
plt.title("NWTC - Temperature @ 2m - January 2019")
plt.ylabel("Temperature (°F)")


Labeled Plot

Below are the contents of

import csv
from datetime import datetime

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


filename = "2019-01-nwtc-temp-2m.csv"

data = []
with open(filename) as datafile:
    reader = csv.reader(datafile)
    for row in reader:

# Remove the first row of data
data = data[1:-1]

def convert_celsius_to_farenheit(celsius_deg):
    return (celsius_deg * 9.0 / 5.0) + 32.0

temperature_data = []
for row in data:

min_temp = temperature_data[0]
max_temp = min_temp
for temp in temperature_data:
    if temp < min_temp:
        min_temp = temp

    if temp > max_temp:
        max_temp = temp

def format_temp(input):
    return "{:.0f}°F".format(input)

    "In January 2019 the temperature ranged from {} to {}".format(
        format_temp(min_temp), format_temp(max_temp)

dates = []
for row in data:
    # 1/1/2019 00:00
    date = datetime.strptime("{} {}".format(row[0], row[1]), "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")

plt.rcParams[""] = "Roboto"

plt.plot(dates, temperature_data)

plt.title("NWTC - Temperature @ 2m - January 2019")
plt.ylabel("Temperature (°F)")
# Force matplotlib to recalculate boundaries to avoid text clipping after rotating xticks

plt.savefig("January-2019-NWTC-Temp-2m-Plot-Pretty.png", dpi=500)

In part 2 we are going to streamline the data acquisition process and add wind data.